Sami Bitumen Technologies Australian Financial Review

Bitumen has been an essential, if often overlooked, ingredient of economic development for more than 40,000 years.

SAMIfalt I-Brid in Victoria

SAMI in conjunction with Centre State Asphalting have paved 540 tonnes of IBrid modified asphalt on the VDOT road network at Kangaroo Flats in Bendigo.

Sealing Green

SAMI Bitumen Technologies has created a suite of Bitumen Emulsions, the SAMIFlex E HR Range, to improve safety and environmental outcomes on spray sealing project accross Australia.

Investing in EME2

Tapping into the experience and capabilities of COLAS Global Group, SAMI Bitumen has significantly invested in research, by contributing to the development of the EME2 technology to help facilitate…

Long-Haul Crumb Rubber to Remote Airports and Beyond

With growing calls for more sustainable materials across the road construction industry, SAMI Bitumen's long-haul crumb rubber binder is proving its capabilities to service some of Australia's most…